My Favorite Self Care Tips
We as women are generally the care takers. Factor in many of us are in the work force or own our own businesses and that means we have little time to care for our own needs. Self care is so vital for our overall health and well being, however. If we don't care for ourselves first, we are unable to give 100% to the rest of the world who needs us. I challenge you to practice some self care each and every day, even if it is only 5 minutes a day. Here are some of my favorite self care ideas.
Sleep. Sleep is when our body resets and heals itself from whatever it has been thru during the day. A good sleep hygiene routine is vital to self care. Go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. Sleep in a room that is cool. Don't sleep with the tv on. Don't eat before bed. Try some soothing essential oils to help you drift off to dream land.
2. Hydrate. Our body is 80% water and it takes water to function! Plain old water is best. It will help with every system in your body.
It gives your skin a healthy glow and helps prevent break outs. Water helps with your energy levels and helps remove toxins from your body. You need to replace your fluids especially when the temperatures rise!
3. Add color to your diet. You have to eat. So a simple way to practice self care is by adding color to your meals. Adding color will add variety thereby adding different vitamins, minerals, and all the good stuff your body needs.
4. Breathe. You don't need any special classes, equipment, time or space for this one. Simply close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. It does wonders to relax you!
5. Get moving. The weather in Montana can be unpredictable. While it is warm, get out and take a walk or a hike on one of our beautiful trails. Getting out in nature does wonderful things for our spirit. Exercise also releases "feel good" hormones so do it often!
6. Add Epson salts to your bath. Epson salts naturally pull out any impurities and also give a boost of Magnesium. They help with sore muscles as well as helping you to relax. You can buy them with all sorts of aromatherapy scents for added benefit.
7. Music. Music has a way of swaying our moods. Put on your favorite tunes and give a listen. They are sure to help you destress after a long day!
8. Me Time. Take a few moments each day to check in with yourself. Try to find a space where you are undistracted and just sit and breathe. Check in and see how you are doing. Listen to how your body responds. It will tell you what it needs, you just have to take time to listen.